Often, times we see how frustrating learning and socializing can be for children with learning disabilities. Many external experiences can influence a child’s daily emotions and behaviors. The same way that we study and practice before a big exam, it’s important to...
When people think about learning environments, they picture children at desks, teachers lecturing and student completing worksheets. However, for smaller children, learning usually does not happen in the classroom. It’s been proven that play based-learning is the most...
It Takes A Village Many of us know the African proverb, “it takes a village to raise a child.” As true as this statement is, it may be difficult to cultivate in today’s society. Many of us are over booked and have scattered schedules which makes it more...
You may wonder if your child is in need of additional educational services. In this instance, you may request your child to receive an Individualized Education Plan or an IEP. An IEP has two purposes, which are to establish measurable annual goals for the child and...
If you have noticed that your tends to be hyper, struggles with following directions has a hard time remembering things they maybe struggling from ADHD. One of the best tools to determine this is to have your child evaluated. You may ask, how do I do that? ...