Kids with ADHD struggle with paying attention and information retention. Hence, it’s not uncommon to see them ignore instructions and fail to follow the rules. This is what makes them get into trouble a lot more than kids who don’t have ADHD.

So, how do you discipline kids with ADHD?

Children with ADHD need an unconventional behavior management approach, and that’s what we share below. Here are eight tips to discipline kids with ADHD gently.

  • Remember, ADHD Can Be Challenging

Keep in mind that the symptoms of ADHD make it challenging for the child to concentrate and follow instructions. Being mindful of this fact is the key to discipline children with ADHD gently.

  • Invest in Positive Attention

Behavior management for kids with ADHD can be challenging. However, positive attention is one of the most effective strategies to reduce a child’s attention-seeking behavior.

All you have to do is set aside a few minutes every day for a one-on-one interaction with your child.

  • Give Simple and Specific Instructions

Kids with ADHD have shorter attention spans. Hence, they need extra assistance when following instructions. For behavior management of kids with ADHD, the key is to give simple and specific instructions.

Instead of giving multiple instructions like “pack your bag, pick up your socks, and tidy the room,” focus on one task at a time. Moreover, it’s best to break down broad tasks like “tidy your room,” into a checklist of simple tasks such as putting away dirty clothes, aligning the toys, and making the bed, etc.

When giving instructions, it’s best to ask your child to repeat what they’ve listened to ensure that they’ve fully understood your instructions.

  • Praise Every Little Effort

Children with ADHD struggle on several fronts, and a parent’s or caregiver’s appreciation means the world to them. Don’t forget to praise your child with ADHD for every little effort they make.

  • Reward Positive Behavior

Apart from verbal praise, you can incorporate a reward system as part of your behavior management strategy. An established reward system will encourage positive behavior and is a great way to assist kids with ADHD to stay on track.

  • Stick to Logical Consequences

You need to strike a balance between rewarding positive behaviors and setting logical consequences.

For example, if your child isn’t listening to your instructions about having dinner and is busy with play, a logical consequence is to put away the food instead of limiting playtime the next day. The consequence would be that your child will be hungry and will have to wait till the next meal time. This implication will help your child follow your instructions about mealtimes more carefully in the future.

  • Ignore Mild Negative Behaviors

The key to behavior management for kids with ADHD is to ignore mild negative behavior. For example, if your child is whining or interrupting you without any genuine reason, it’s best to ignore the behavior, and the child will eventually stop.

  • Be Patient

Your child with ADHD may struggle with similar behavior issues over and over again. Remember, it’s not your or their fault. By being patient and setting firm expectations, you can eventually discipline your child.

Philadelphia Family Services – A Go-To Choice for Families of Children Who Face Behavioral Challenges

If you’re in need of support for behavior management of your child with ADHD, Philadelphia Family Services can assist you. We are determined to help families with children who need behavior management support. Contact us today and learn how we can assist you. =